Saturday, 20 April 2013

Tuscon 2.0

Well I'm currently stuck in the Phoenix airport waiting for the shuttle service to resume so it seems like a perfect time to write another blog to keep everyone updated. I'm pretty tired but the adrenaline is rushing to get some solid training in so I think I'll be fine.

I had a swim meet last weekend where I wanted to break the 9 minute barrier in the 800. It seemed like a reasonable goal and all of my training was going well. I felt like I was in the best swimming shape I've ever been in (I was and still am for that matter!), but I had been training extremely hard and although it seemed like I was resting for the meet my body had been pushed so hard for so long that I still wasn't ready to go when the race came.

I started my weekend with a 100 free, I went a 58.78 which I thought was pretty good considering I've been doing mostly distance swimming. That night I swam a 400 free and went a 4:26. I wasn't pleased with the time but because it was a timed final it was as fast as I could go, I really needed a prelim swim to get under 4:24.  Sunday, I came in to warmup in the morning just so I could get a good feel for the water. I felt really fast and was going well under pace when I warmed up. I felt ready. Then I went home and rested for the big race. I warmed up again before finals and felt even better. The 800 was last and the field was better than ever. I dove in and felt good, felt on pace for the first while but I could tell from the signals Brian was sending me that I was a little off. I swam a 9:07.25, which was a PB. But I'm not going to lie I was really disappointed that I didn't break nine.

 I got right back into the pool Monday morning at 6 to start training hard again. With all hard swims and runs this week I'm a little tired and sore. But I am felling ready for the big camp and looking forward to rooming with Yorke, John and Taylor. It's going to be fun, hot and fast.
Here's me going up Mt. Lemmon in February. Looking to kill it this time.