Monday 30 December 2013


Really there isn’t a better word to describe 2013. Everyone has his or her own demons and mine were present most of 2013. In 2013 my grandfather passed away, I wasn’t as successful as I wanted to be in my races, I dislocated my shoulder and I had been sick with a tonsil infection for three months. Those were my demons. I know it’s a weird theme to dwell on but just to describe how much the term “demons” really meant to me, I have now played Demons by Imagine Dragons on my iPhone 435 times. Yes, it’s beyond crazy but there really isn’t very much sanity in my life.

In 2013 I also had a lot of success. I got to miss most of the last semester of high school because of how supportive my teachers and school where about chasing my dreams. I went to Arizona to train with my teammates in February and May, and had the best experience of my life. I got a serious girlfriend that was there for me throughout most of this wild journey and I can’t say how grateful I am for it. I met some of the most amazing people in my life, my roommates, before I came home to get my tonsils out. At 18 years old I traveled around the country and even into South America to race this summer. I really did have an amazing year in a lot of ways.

I put a lot into my triathlon life, training and racing. Triathlon really is my life. So when I had a few bumps this year in my races it was pretty hard on me. I was content to have finished the season ranked 11th in the country but I was ready to train hard again and get to where I want to be in 2014. Unfortunately on September 8th I fell off my bike and things changed drastically. I went from training 20 hours a week to not being able to train. I was constantly in pain, and school really wasn’t going well because I got really sick. I could barely breath some weeks because my tonsils were so inflamed. My parents and I decided it was best to go home and get my tonsils out there and recover. It was the right move, although I was far from pleased with the decision initially. Before the surgery I started training again because I was well enough to do some easy training, but it still wasn’t the same. Now post surgery I am getting back into the groove of things and heading back to Hamilton in January for round two of first year. I know that it’s still going to be tough because university isn’t easy but now that my shoulder is better and my tonsils can no longer cause me trouble I will be able to handle it.

I really hope that 2014 is a better year for me in all aspects of my life and that I have finally left my demons behind but I know it’s still going to be tough. I know that every day is going to be a challenge until I can train at the same caliber I used to be able to but I am almost there and I know I’ll be there soon. Hopefully this little bump is over with and I can finally focus on the 2014 goals I set for myself. Here’s to getting there again and accomplishing everything I want to in 2014!!

Everyday I look at my watch and I remind myself of the journey; where I’ve been and where I’d like to be again. Here is my bracelet from Brazil that helps me get through the rough days.