It was really enjoyed sleeping in and not having to think about training 24/7. But as a triathlete you can only get so far away from the sport. I really appreciate the support from back home in New Brunswick so I held a swim clinic to share some skills and drills that I thought could benefit the local triathlon community. It was a blast and I think I accomplished my ultimate goal of getting everyone to learn something new! After the hour and a half of fun in the water we went up to Seely Street B&B for a potluck breakfast and for me to share my experiences on the road the past couple of years! Thanks again to Helena and Garth Millar for letting me use their house for the event and for Fundy Extreme for helping me organize it. I hope to do another clinic next time I'm home because the feedback was great!
Here is a picture from the clinic that Christian Gallant took:
The next day I went to the Sea Dog's Open water swim to see if everyone was able to apply what I taught them the day before! It was a great event put on by Daryl Steeves, and I really enjoyed helping out a little bit by counting the swimmers as they went into the water!
I also helped out at my mother's Kid's of Steel triathlon the following weekend. It was a lot of fun and riding as I led every age group's bike ride to make sure they were safe. It was pretty inspiring to see so many young kids out there doing the sport I love! It was also great to see my mom taking the time out of her Ironman training to give back to the sport!
Photo Credit: Holly McKay |
As I had mentioned at the start of this blog I was working on sponsorship opportunities for 2016. Radical Edge really stepped it up for 2016 and they will be helping me with any sort of gear or components I need for 2016. It was also confirmed that Aberdeen Subaru will once again be supporting me and making a big difference in getting to races in 2016. I had a lot of other meetings and nothing else is confirmed but I think I should be getting support from a few other local companies. Thanks to everyone for helping me out and I can't wait to make you guys proud in 2016!
Yesterday I helped out at a new triathlon format similar to the relays at Canada Summer Games and at the Commonwealth Games was once again held at Rockwood Park. It was a lot of fun and I think everyone had fun. I got a chance to catch up with a few people that I haven't seen in a few years and I wish them all the best for the rest of the season!
It was great being home and getting excited to start training again. I really needed the time off but now I'm more motivated than ever to get back to it! Thanks again to my sponsors for this first season as an elite: Nineteen wetsuits, Aberdeen Subaru, Radical Edge, Human Performance Centre and C3!