Wednesday 2 October 2013

Welcome to Hell.

Hi Guys!

This is going to be really short but I might as well get this done and out of the way well I can. I was finally okayed to get back to training on Monday. I was obviously excited but I didn't do any training other than physio on Monday.
Then I woke up yesterday with a sore throat. I had strep throat, or the doctor thought I did the first week of my shoulder injury because I wasn't sleeping. I thought the strep throat was back so I went to see a doctor and got in today. I found out that I most likely had a peritonsillar abscess (basically a swollen collection of pus beside my tonsil), so off to the ear nose and throat specialist I went.
When I finally got to see the specialist they did some analyzing and decided to drain the puss. Which is probably one of the most uncomfortable procedures I've ever undergone. I am now on antibiotics and tylenol three to hopefully help me get through this. So here I am with yet another thing going wrong. If you can take 30 seconds to tell me that your thinking of me then please do so because I'm about to go crazy and I'm really not in the right place.



  1. Sometimes you have to dig really deep to find your strong, but we know it's in there. You have it in you! It's ok to embrace the suck for a few days, let yourself heal. Your real life will be back; soon and stronger. Sending loads of love and good vibes. deb&mike

  2. Adversity makes the good and positive things in life meaningful. A bit of suffering is okay, and your ability to endure suffering will likely be one of your biggest assets. Take solace in the fact that things could be could have found out you have terminal cancer and a week to live. You have a big support network here in Hamilton that is here for you if you need to talk. You have my cell phone number, and you are always more than welcome to my couch or air mattress. Stay focused, and don't stop believing that better days are ahead! -Lionel
